W.P. Photo Challenge: Shiny

My Shiny

I was always told as a kid to keep your eyes down towards the ground cause you never know what you might find….

Well, I’ve adhered to that concept most of my life, finding many interesting things. I Once  found a $1000 bill on the sidewalk, but didn’t expect it to shimmy away from me as I reached for it.  It was attached to fishing line being pulled by a couple kids, hook, line & sinker I fell for it so now I always check for a length of cord attached to any money !  Fooled me once, but never again!

So my “Shiny” is to put me near a rock pile, pebbly beach, a field of dirt or tell me there is treasure under my feet then stand back and watch what Shiny treasure’s my foot may overturn or my eye might find!


Some of the neat things I have found! Walking along a lake shore I found these Ancient peoples rock carvings? or are they made by nature? don’t know, but they are neat!  In an old burnt down China Town I kicked up this dark stone, a beautiful piece of Jet. Some of the old bottles I’ve dug up from that same honey hole!


13 thoughts on “W.P. Photo Challenge: Shiny

  1. One of the local churches likes to print its pamphlets where the outside looks like a $20 bill when folded up correctly, and then leave them laying around places like where I work (Because Mecca is full of sinners, of course!). Damn, I’ve fallen for that too many times…

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  2. What an awesome bunch of finds T!! I also keep my eyes to the ground and it has paid off for me too (usually at the beach) one time, when I was younger, I found a moneyroll a customer dropped in a bar. I got a reward for returning it!

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Live,Love,Laugh, and eat lots of icecream!